Jan 25, 2008

An interesting Art scam that just happened to me..


I was listening to this american life and they mentioned a way to fight back, and that is to find ways to waste the person's time on the other end. Send them on a wild goose chase if you will, while knowing that it is a scam. How do we waste their time so they can scam less people? Any ideas?

UPDATE!! (8/3/2008)

Received another scam! Similar in that they named the artwork on my site. This one came from Oceanic Artwork. Hopefully posting this address will warn people like the previous exchange.

Mr. Paul Simon
FOR: Oceanic Artwork

E-mail: oceanic.artwork@yahoo.com

Or writing us at:
Suite 031, Wuse phase 2,
Behind New Market central
Area FCT Abuja.

Calling us at: 09-7821850,

UPDATE!! (6/17/2008)

Apparently the FBI cannot do anything about this -- somebody said they called back and said "Australia is out of their jurisdiction."

What a strange time this internet phenomenon. So what do we do? Team up with the Knitting shop that is actually at this address? Keep sending the information to the FBI, regardless of antiquated structures of "jurisdiction?"

It baffles me that this still is going on.

UPDATE!! (4/28/2008)

This person has tried to pull one over on too many people! We are now encouraging everyone who has dealt with this scammer in some fashion to forward their emails and experience to the FBI.


Apparently, one of the recent emails has an IP address that originates from Vietnam


So I went through an interesting internet interaction this month. It all started with this email.

my name is jack tom I want to place an order in your store, and i will like to know if you ship to Australia? and my method of payment is credit card so i need you to kindly get back to me with the link to your webpage where your products are listed so that i can see more of your works after which i will place my order to you and we can go from there i will await your prompt response,
Jack tom.

I did initially think it was spam, mainly because of the broken english. I responded:

Pardon my frankness, but can you elaborate on what you are talking about?

Where did you get my email? What webpage did you see?

My artwork is @ noelhefele.com. I've shipped to australia before, so I am sure we can work something out. Is it paintings you are interested in? I will have prints of artworks available in a month or so.

Thanks for your interest!


I suppose I was optimistic. He responded

Hello Noel Hefele,
Thank for your fast response and i want you to know that i came across your store information via Google and here is what i will like to order for,

Margate Mural Progress photos...............qty:2

Julie's Sycamore.............qty:2

It's 4:14. (Whey Fo Me).............qty:3

I will like you to get back to me with the total cost and the shipping cost.and here is address for you to the shipping cost via ups or fed ex.and please kindly get back to me if this items is in stock because i do not want any delay on this.

9 Marian Street
Killaria 2071AUSTRALIA
hone: 61 2 9498 6830

Do this on time so that i can be able to give you my credit card information and complete my order for me
Best Regards
Jack tom.

What was wild was that he named artworks of mine! I should have searched for that address at this point, but I needed to put up a print store anyway. So I went to imagekind and did that.

Noel Hefele to Jack
show details Jan 23 (2 days ago)



Thank you for your patience.

Please take a look at my store -


I wanted to find a solution for you because I don't deal overseas frequently. I have been selling at festivals, but not much over the internet. Mostly just ebay!

Since you will be my first customer through imagekind, I am selling them to you at what the cost would be for me. I.e. no markup for me. If you do order and are happy with it, let me know!

Unfortunately I can't sell a print of the margate mural. That is a photo of a mural I completed for a family over the summertime and I don't have a photo to make prints from.

Please check back at the store over the next week as I will add more paintings!

Thank you again Jack!
Let me know if you have any questions...

He wrote back:

Hello noel,
thanks for the mail, what about the ???
Julie's Sycamore.............qty:2
It's 4:14. (Whey Fo Me).............qty:3

are they available in stock now?? if not let me know i can change my order if that will b ok by you and i will be ordering the margate mural in my next order so kindly get back to me asap so we can proceed with this transaction

await your reply.

I was starting to get confused. Yet, always wanting to believe in people, I wrote:

Hi Jack,

You can order both of those today at the web address below...


or if that doesn't work, go to


They are in stock!

Thank you kindly...


The curt response re awoke suspicion.

Hello noel,

i want to place my order to you directly cause i believe its not secure for me to order online so get back to me with the quote asap

I searched for the address and found out it was actually a knitting store in Australia owned by 2 nice ladies. I wrote them:

Hello Crewel Gobelin -

I thought you might be interested in this... Your address is listed in what increasingly looks like a scam...


Noel Hefele

They wrote back, confirming our suspicions

Hello Noel,

Thank you for your email with further information of this scam. You are the 8th person to contact me, that they have been targetted by Jim Scott, John Carter and now a new one, Jack Tom.

I have looked into what can be done from the Australian end, but nothing if a fraud has not been carried through.

I have a disclaimer on my Home Page for the first 2 criminals and will now add Jack Tom.

Thank you again and have a lovely day. Kind regards, Margaret

Kind of funny! It's a niche scam that I came close to believing! I have to say that is a first. I used to wonder who believed these scams, but when it tunes into a particular desire of your own, you tend to gloss over the inconsistencies.

As a result however, I've posted some work at noelhefele.imagekind.com, where you can buy prints of my paintings. Not a bad development in the end!