Mar 22, 2007

Lady Liberty & the moon

Lady Liberty & the moon
Originally uploaded by space.girl.
My friend Gina asked me to come help paint sets for the Curio Theater Company in West Philadelphia. The play is called "Green Bird." From the description:
In this fantasy fairy tale the King returns from the war to find that his mother has seized the throne and mysteriously done away with his wife and children. Unknown to the King or his wicked mother, his family is still alive, but living in secret with the kingdom’s finest sausage-maker, Truffaldino, and his wife Smeraldina. All is set to rights with the help of a sexy statue, a know-it-all stone head, a trip to Nowhere Mountain, a snake of biblical proportions and a mysterious Green Bird upon whom everything hinges.

It is good fun! It's collaborative painting, and we have been pleased with how it works. Fast paced, and if you don't want to paint an area—don't! There is a good chance the other person will.

Behind the moon is the honorable Scott B. The statue has a moving arm that is on the floor to the left.

The play opens May 3rd at the Calvary Church.

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