Mar 16, 2007

Some Kind of Statement

Some Kind of Statement
Originally uploaded by 730N.
Clever without being overbearing? There is something I like about this image. A fly pinned to the flag.

But why do I like this image?

The image of nine mile run did not win any cash prizes in Pittsburgh. The judges are still coming from a modernist influenced perspective, basically, to reject tradition.

My painting was too traditional for 2 of the judges. I am happy to report that it only makes me want to be more traditional. (Resistance through tradition; the next level revolution. )

The image that won first prize was about as much of a one-liner as the image of the fly pinned to the flag. (Curiously enough, this flag and fly were a part of an exhibition years ago with the person who won first prize. He was traditional in this exhibition...)

I recommend Suzie Gablik's book, "Has Modernism Failed," for insightful perspective on the crisis facing contemporary art and possible directions it can take in the future.

It is time for artists to deal with issues that are relevant to the real world, in my humble opinion.

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